Tarot is a story, a map, a meditation aid, and a storehouse of information. It shows factual and archetypal existences within the fabric of consciousness -- consciousness which you share in. Each Key represents a piece of the puzzle, conveniently and effectively symbolizing the spiritual realities behind your own self-consciousness, the material realities around you, as well as superhuman consciousness which coexists with your day-to-day self.
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Through this map and story you can come to know the Higher Self, God, and the spiritual aspects of life. Perhaps most importantly, and most productively, you can use Tarot to transmute your emotional life and materialistic perceptions into that which will enable you to enter the spiritual realm safely and in a healthy rather than dangerous and chaotic manner.
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There are other ways Tarot is used. Many of those ways are a little decadent to say the least. Tarot is not a toy, that's for sure. Treating it as one is unfortunate. Not treating it with respect, and not placing yourself in right relationship to the higher hierarchies while doing so, is asking for trouble or at the least a waste of time. Using it for for works involving materialistic or selfish desires is the antithesis of spiritual growth. Using it for divination can be neutral and sometimes useful but if you're on this path you may come quickly or slowly to the point where you are much more interested in responding in freedom to whatever the circumstances are rather than knowing beforehand what they will be, or trying to get one specific set of circumstances over another.
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You may then move away from the interest in specific external circumstances and inward, toward the spiritual landscape that is the development of your personality as a more-perfect vehicle for the Life-Power. This is where Tarot really begins to bear fruit for you (and the rest of humanity). For as you work through perfecting these typical and not-so-typical parts of your personality, your vehicle, you are not only transforming them for yourself but also aiding in the working-through of them for the human organism as a whole, as well as for the group-souls which you may play a small or large part in.
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The forces that work through the world work through you as well. The questions, and answers, come together in your soul as they are posed in the spirit. The advancements of a nation, of a people, of humanity, are a result of the advancements, in our age especially, of the individual. Advancement means a proper relationship of the self with the Self, and a transformation of the vehicles as well as a move away from materialistic intellectual thinking to spirit-infused "heart-thinking" and extra-dimensional awareness, if you will. Learn to think deeply, and cosmically. Do as the Father wills it. Discover your immortality. Become of greater service.
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What to do with this site?
Create a journal entry and write about your day's contemplation. Include a Reading: select a Spread (a pattern of tarot key placements) and enter the Keys which you have drawn at each location. Cards and a Deck (the Rider-Waite Major Arcana) have come included in your account. The Major Arcana is the most useful for tarot meditations. Create your custom Spreads according to what your practice consists of. You are also free to upload Cards and add your uploaded Cards to a custom Deck which can be selected when creating a Reading, to draw Cards from. The possibilities are great.